
The Kapralova CompanionScholar of Czech Composers

Erik Entwistle’s recent research has been focused on Czech composers such as Dussek, Martinu and Kapralova. He has endeavored to identify what is singular about these composers’ achievements while also defining their place within a larger historical context. He is especially interested in examining symbolic meaning as a subtext to musical discourse.


Selected Publications by Erik Entwistle


Martinu in Paris: A Synthesis of Musical Styles and Symbols

Books, Reviews & Articles

The Kapralova Companion, co-edited with Karla Hartl. A collection of critical essays, analytic studies, and resources on the Czech woman composer (1915-1940). Lexington Books, 2011. (See book cover above.)

Erik Entwistle’s review of F. James Rybka’s Boshuslav Martinu: The Compulsion to Compose.  Notes 69:1 (Sept. 2012), 93-96. Winner of the 2014 Eva Judd O’Meara Award 



Jan Ladislav Dussek (1760-1812): A Bohemian Composer "en voyage" through Europe“Magnum Opus: Dussek’s ‘L’Invocation’ Sonata and the Mystique of the Last Work,” in Jan Ladislav Dussek (1760-1812): A Bohemian Composer “en voyage” through EuropeErik’s recently published article on Dussek focuses on his last piano sonata (“l’Invocation“) of 1812 as a work that reflects suffering and death through the various musical symbols present in the sonata, and explores how these symbols interact to create distinctive musical characters while suggesting possible larger, overarching meanings behind the work as a whole.
“Martinpianojournal2009u’s Piano Sonata: Rediscovering a Mid-Twentieth-Century Masterwork”, EPTA Piano Journal, Issue 89, December, 2009.
“To je Jkapralova-2ulietta”: Martinu, Kapralova and Musical Symbolism, The Kapralova Society Newsletter, Volume 2, Issue 2, Fall 2004

Click here to see a list of publications by Erik Entwistle.